Franny Massey
Franny is our practice nurse and can deal with the following :
- 8 Week check (Baby Imms)
- Adult Vaccinations
- Asthma reviews
- BP reviews
- Cervical smears
- Coil removal
- Contraception Pil check/ advice
- Dopplers
- HRT review
- Leg ulcer management
- NHS health check
- Spironetery
- Stitch removals
- Wound check
Advanced Nurse Practitioner
Noelle Murphy
Noelle is our Prescribing Advanced Nurse Practitioner and can deal with the following:
- Adult Vaccinations
- Asthma reviews
- BP reviews
- Cervical smears
- Contraception pill check/ Advice
- Diabetic reviews
- Dopplers
- Heart Failure review
- HRT review
- Leg Ulcer management
- Minor Illness
- NHS health check
- Palliative care review
- Stitch removal
- Wound check